måndag 22 november 2010

In Windows 7, https-uploads stop network - solution: turn off task offloading!

(nu blir det en post om dataproblem, på engelska dessutom)

So, we have had this problem with not being able to upload files from our Windows 7 machine (64-bit). On google, facebook, flickr, picasa, etc, whenever we have tried to upload something or make an attachment it has crashed the network. Our solution has been to troubleshoot the network, and after a while it starts working again. But not the uploads...

Until today, when I found the solution. - yes, it's in French (!), but it works!

This is how to fix the "Uploading to Gmail using https makes network stop working" problem:
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Network and Sharing Center
  3. Change adapter settings (on the left)
  4. Right-click and select Properties for network card (mine was "Atheros L1 Gigabit ...")
  5. Configure ... (button)
  6. Advanced (tab)
  7. Select "Task Offload" from list
  8. Set the value to "Off"
This solved our problems. And it was not easy to find the answer to this one using google - seems it is a rare problem and most forum posts didn't mention the solution.


6 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks! problem solved.

    Same network card.

  2. Thank you so much. Been plagued by this problem for the better part of two years now, finally got annoyed enough to google for an answer.

    This is great!

    I have the same NIC btw.

  3. Thank you! I had the same problem and it's plagued me for a couple of years now. Seems that everyone who has this problem has the same NIC:
    Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller

    Most likely a deep bug in the NIC driver, but toggling this setting seemed to resolve it! One note: when uploading items after turning off task offloading, the browser seems to hang for a bit - likely because this "task" isn't being offloaded and returning responsiveness to the browser until the "task" is complete. So don't be alarmed if the browser seems to hang when uploading items after this setting is toggled.

    Thanks again! Cheers.

  4. Thanks a lot, man!

    Solved the problem.. it's the same Network adapter that I have ;)

